We're often asked about sound check - it's a mystifying subject for a lot of people, so we've put together this guide to help you understand the very necessary art of the sound check & why it's to important for you.

What happens at sound check:
Engineer sets up microphones, speakers etc
Engineer rings out the PA
Engineer optimises the PA to the room
Musicians play a short song
The engineer adjusts the musician's in-ear monitors to allow them to hear themselves optimally
Musicians play another short song
The engineer adjusts the musician's in-ear monitors again
Musicians play another short song or two while the engineer makes sure the sound coming out of the speakers (front of house) is the world class experience you deserve
What sound check is: Our time to make sure everything runs smoothly - think of it as the baking before eating the cake
What sound check isn't: An opportunity for musicians to mess around
Something to rush or skip if time is running low
Avoids squealing microphone feedback during your event
The best possible sound for you & your guests
Confident musicians who can hear themselves well, so can give you their best performance
Sound check is noisy, so it's best to plan at least 1 hour when your guests will be away from the party room so that the engineer & band can get this important work done smoothly to let us make everything perfect for your shindig.